Meeting the nation’s challenges
The Prime Minister’s announcement of a 4 July General Election just a day before the Summit was certainly reflected in at least one of the speakers’ presentations.
Former member of parliament Chris Pond, Chair of the Equity Release Council’s Standards Board, said that whoever wins on 4 July, they would be facing tight financial restraints. Furthermore, he said that industry and political collaboration would be important in order to meet these challenges.
He went on to point out that there is a projected £5.2 trillion of non-mortgaged equity in UK property, with 50% estimated to be held by over-55s.
“If we can safely release more of that equity,” he said, “then we can meet many of the challenges we face as a nation, such as the growing need to fund long-term care and supplement retirement, to help many older people struggling due to rising living costs.”
Meanwhile, a panel discussion focused on transforming consumer perspectives about equity release. In it, Henry Tapper of AgeWise called for further emphasis on the positive side of equity release, rather than the negative ones which he feels often feature in the media. He shared his experience of supporting his mother as she released equity from her home in 2023.